Almost one in four people experience a mental health condition at some point in their lives.
It is at these times when it is important to have the help and support of people who understand the positive steps that can be taken to aid recovery.
Our mental health services provide tailor-made support for people living with a range of mental health conditions, whether mild to moderate, complex, challenging or long-term.
We will get to know you and will take the time to understand your goals and personal circumstances. Working together, and where appropriate with family and carers, we will use innovative tools and treatments to develop a package of care and support that is tailored to each individual’s needs and choices.
Residential care and rehabilitation
We operate residential care homes that provide personal care and accommodation to people with with mental health needs. We have rehabilitation services where we provide expert, holistic care for people living with complex dementia syndrome and people living with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Supported housing
We have over 80 supported housing services across the country including extra care, shared housing, and supported accommodation and living projects. We offer support ranging from low-level to intensive, 24/7 support, as well as short term, long term and temporary accommodation in an emergency.
We provide flexible floating support across many of our supported housing services. Our teams can support you with managing tenancies, budgeting, learning life skills and much more.

Community day services
Our community day services offer a safe and welcoming environment for you to visit in your local community. Whether you need an extra bit of support, advice around health and wellbeing, or want to meet new people, our services are open to you.

Talking therapies
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing mild to moderate stress, anxiety or depression, we can provide support through our cCBT programme.
We can support you at GP surgeries, at our head office in Warrington and from your own home.

David’s story
David, 33, has cared for his wife for the last 8 years. He was referred to Making Space for carer support after he visited his local GP after feeling stressed. Our team supported David in his role as a carer.