Swallow Lodge
Supporting people over 18 with learning disabilities and complex needs.
01522 300 430
Suitable for
- Learning Disabilities and Autism
- Aged 18 plus

Make a referral or book a visit
Contact Swallow LodgeAbout Swallow Lodge
Swallow Lodge offers a planned short break service for up to seven people at a time, and provides an emergency respite service for one person.
Our aim is to ensure that people, or the person they’re supporting, have a short break that meets their needs – whether this be busy and fun-filled or calm and relaxing.
We can provide 1-2-1 support if this is identified as a requirement in the care and support plan. All meals and snacks are provided as per each person’s dietary needs and wishes. All beddings and linen are also provided.
Referrals must come through Lincolnshire County Council for both the planned short breaks and emergency respite services. Individuals for planned short breaks will be allocated a number of units to use over a year, with each unit being a 24-hour stay.
We work with individuals, families and carers to book in their stays in blocks of six months. These units can be used however the individual would like from a one night stay to a two week stay (or longer) as long as they have the units available.
Key features
24/7 on-site support team
Personalised care and support
Group activities to develop new skills
A home from home
Swallow Lodge benefits from having all single person rooms with en-suite bathrooms. We have two living/dining rooms as well as an additional quiet room. Our service is all on one level so we are able to offer support to individuals with a variety of physical needs.
We have excellent staff training which can be adapted to support people who may have more complex support needs.
How to access the service
To find out more about Swallow Lodge, or to make a referral, please contact us.