Wendy's story

Wendy volunteers with Making Space, helping with online peer support and is a member of the Making Change group.

Wendy looking after a hedgehog

Wendy became a member of our Making Change group through being a carer for a friend, and as part of the group she encourages Making Space to work in an inclusive way. Wendy also helps members of her community, who need extra support, by signposting them to places they can get more information and the assistance they need.

Wendy is also a volunteer at the Withington Hedgehog Care Trust, travelling around the country to pick up sick and abandoned hedgehogs. They are nursed back to health at the care trust before being released back into the wild in-line with wildlife law.

In addition to caring for the hedgehogs at the trust, Wendy is also a carer for Barbara, the lady who runs the charity, supporting her with anything she needs, from being taken to medical appointments and helping her with shopping. Wendy also cares for one of her friends who is permanently in an electric wheelchair. He has MS, so Wendy does all she can to help with his shopping and also drives him to wherever he needs to go.

"Personally volunteering keeps me going. If I stop and don't do anything, then depression sets in, so I keep myself busy".

In order to help even more people, Wendy set up the Walkden Support Group, which is currently operating online to support people to do anything they need help with. "It certainly keeps you on your toes and makes you appreciate what you have and not focus on what you don't have".

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