Experience Survey 2019/20
At Making Space, we strive to provide care and support that is far beyond keeping people safe and supporting basic physical needs. We are here to support residents to live happy, fulfilling and enriched lives.
To gain an understanding of how well our level of care and support is meeting the needs of the people we support and their carers, we encourage open, two-way communication across our entire organisation.
Each year we encourage as many people as possible to take part in our experience survey.
The feedback of the people that use our services is so important and enables us to continue improving and developing our services, and provides an opportunity to give us specific suggestions for areas we can improve in.
We would like to say a huge thank you to the 511 people who responded to this years experience survey. The survey was open from August to December 2019 for people who use Making Space services.
This year we produced a summary document that shows key statistics, a selection of responses for each question, where fixed options were offered, and popular words mentioned within open responses.
You can download the Experience Survey 2019–20 summary of responses here.
We would love you to give us some feedback if you have had any involvement with our services. The 20/21 survey will be launched towards the end of the summer.
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