Volunteer crowned Coronation Champion

May 2023 · min read

We are excited to share that Chloe Liddle, a volunteer at our Darlington Extra Care Service, is one of 500 Coronation Champions, nominated for their outstanding commitment to volunteering.

Together with Her Majesty The Queen Consort, the Coronation Champion Awards were launched by Royal Voluntary Service to celebrate extraordinary volunteers who go the extra mile to improve the lives of others.

As well as being crowned a champion, she was invited to attend the coronation concert at Windsor Castle, where she attended with her mum Becky, our Registered Service Manager at Darlington Extra Care.

Chloe is 16 and dedicates her spare time to organising activities for service users at Rosemary Court (which supports people with different abilities) under the supervision of qualified support workers. She has lots of enthusiasm and spends a lot of time chatting with people to find out what they like. She shows a lot of initiative in the activities she organises, and is great at anticipating the type of things people may enjoy depending on their circumstances that day.

Chloe uses a wide range of activities to make sure there’s something to appeal to all residents. She creates arts and craft projects, plays games such as board games and dominoes with groups and individuals, helps support workers during outdoor activities and group outings, and makes sure no-one is left out.

The fact that Chloe does all this voluntarily in her spare time and fits it in around her school work is admirable.

Well done Chloe!

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Coronation 2

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