Co-Production Week 2024

4 Days Ago · min read

It’s national Co-production Week, with this year’s theme “What’s Missing?” encouraging people to increase equity and diversity in co-production.

Co-production is at the core of our commitment to social care. Having a voice, feeling valued and being recognised and respected for who you are is something we feel very strongly about at Making Space. Our new strategic plan for 2024- 2029 reaffirms our commitment to co-produce our services with the people we support and their carers.

Here are some examples of great co-productive practice across Making Space:

Carers Wellbeing Service Calderdale

Carers Wellbeing Service Calderdale exemplifies outstanding co-productive practices by actively listening to and addressing the needs of the people they support. Everyone’s journey with the service begins with a comprehensive assessment to identify what contributes to their quality of life.

The team ensures that carers have continuous opportunities to provide feedback and insights. This feedback is shared with everyone through a "You Said, We Did" section in the service newsletter, showcasing the team’s commitment to providing a co-produced service. Based on the feedback received, the team continually adapts and improves their practices.

They have implemented many changes to the service based on the feedback, including improving information accessibility (text and languages), opening up groups to people who are cared for, expanding the days and times of sessions, trialling a breakfast club and a “life after care” group, introducing carer volunteers, easing cost of living pressures by securing additional funding, and forming partnerships with other organisations to offer people additional services and opportunities.

The support team actively involves carers in co-producing positive changes to the service. For instance, when a person supported by the service suggested improvements to the tombola, she was invited to help implement these changes and now hosts the tombola herself. Additionally, a suggestion for a book swap club was promptly acted upon, and the club was introduced by the team.

Our Carers Wellbeing Service Calderdale approach to involving the people they support in the service demonstrates a dynamic and responsive model of care that empowers carers, enhances their quality of life, and fosters a supportive community through active co-production.

Calderdale Co Pro
Waterhouse Court

Waterhouse Court – Leigh

A heart-warming collaboration between tenants and staff at Waterhouse Court has resulted in the creation of a stunning garden, a project that has spanned several years and has now become a cornerstone of therapeutic activity and social interaction within the service.

Over the past few years, both residents and staff have collaborated to bring this project to life, fostering a sense of community, pride, and ownership of the garden.

The garden project began with a shared vision between the tenants and staff at Waterhouse Court, the group recognised the potential benefits of a communal garden and worked together from the initial planning stages to the construction and planting stage.

The garden is more than just an aesthetic addition to Waterhouse Court; it plays a crucial role in the tenant’s daily lives. It serves as a therapeutic space where residents can engage in gardening activities, which benefits their mental and physical health. The garden also provides a social hub where tenants can interact, enjoy the outdoors, and spend quality time together.

Support staff at the service have expressed immense pride in the tenant’s contributions to this project and they say that the garden stands as a testament to the collective efforts and dedication of the tenants hard work.

Ashwood Court

The team at Ashwood Court understands that Co-production means ensuring that the residents are at the centre of every decision made about their own care and the environment they live in. Everything that residents do is geared towards ensuring this happens as standard.

The support team go far beyond transactional relationships by really getting into discovering what really matters to residents. They work together with residents on the best way forward to make positive changes, no matter how big or small.

Residents at Ashwood Court are also supported to lead on their own care plans and encouraged to develop the skills and activities they’re interested in. Daily operations and personal care are planned and delivered in a meaningful, positive way for everyone involved. Everything is done democratically, from the choice of décor, menus and nutrition, to the events and activities arranged at Ashwood Court and in the community.

Co-production at a personal level has proven to be especially impactful for our residents. For example, one resident, with the support of staff and their mother, reunited with their sister for the first time. This heartfelt reunion was followed by a day trip to a favorite location, fostering further visits and a renewed connection. Another resident experienced the joy of meeting their father after more than 30 years. This significant reunion was made possible through careful planning and emotional support from their support worker. These personal stories highlight the profound impact of co-production, bringing families together and creating lasting memories.

Colleagues and residents at Ashwood Court recently took home the trophy for Tenant Co-Production at the national Housing With Care Awards. Judges praised the team for ensuring residents are actively involved in decision-making and “embodying co-production in putt

Ashwood Court

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