Commission us

We work with NHS Trusts, CCG's, Local Authorities and individuals with personal budgets, to ensure all the people we support get the best, most competitive and modern support tailored to their needs.

Commision Us

Making Space can work with commissioners to develop transformative health and social care services, enabling people with support needs to achieve and maintain independence, experience improved well-being, and ultimately enjoy greater connection to their communities.

We can work with you at a strategic level to understand needs in your area, and find solutions to some of the key challenges we know you face as commissioners, including:

  • Developing new accommodation models, including re-provisioning of services which are no longer fit for purpose
  • Reducing pressure on statutory and acute services by providing step up/step down models of care
  • Delivering effective, outcome focused care and support across a variety of settings which keep people well and independent for longer
  • Utilising assistive technologies, aids and equipment to add value to services
  • Developing pathways and partnerships which draw together fragmented services and enable a whole-system approach
  • Supporting people through key transition points in their lives (children to adults, returning from out of borough, move on and end of life care)
  • Delivering prevention and early intervention approaches
  • Using person-centred and asset-based approaches – making the most of the skills and gifts already present in people and communities (avoiding duplication and reliance on more acute services)
  • Delivering evidence-based services which maximise recovery
  • Ensuring that services in your area are truly co-produced in partnership with your citizens
  • Delivering value for money and making the most efficient use of scare public resources

We can also partner with you to offer enhanced choice and control for people with support needs in your area outside the standard commissioning process by working within self-directed models of support including direct payments, individual service funds and individual/personal budgets.

We are a trusted provider and can offer significant expertise and added value to the services we deliver in your area. We are financially robust and have invested in our infrastructure to ensure that all services are underpinned by a commitment to quality standards and best practice.

Phil Orton

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