The difference your fundraising will make
Your support will make the world of difference to someone living with dementia, a mental health condition, a carer or someone taking on the challenges that come with getting older.
Your donations help us to add value to our services. Our fundraised income goes straight back into the community to support those who need it.
Your donations could provide-
-Extra sessions for those living in a care home
-Coffee mornings for people with mental health conditions
-Days out for carers
-Music performances for people with dementia to remember their favourite songs
And so many more important, fun and supportive activities for the people we help.
But we need you!
We need people like you to fundraise for Making Space and our services around the country.
You can choose to donate to/fundraise for a particular service type, a service close to you or for Making Space as a whole.
We are here to support you every step of the way.
Whatever you dream up, whether you want to climb a mountain or host a coffee morning, we are here to help you. Have a look at some of our fundraising ideas, fundraising resources and read about what other fundraisers, just like you, are doing to help make a difference.
Please email with any questions you have or just to let us know your plans.
It's probably easier to ask what I'm not doing for Making Space because their support so far has been amazing!
Your money is making a difference
For the past 35 years, your money has helped us provide personalised care which has made a world of difference.
A dementia navigation session is where a dementia support worker will sit with a family to discuss new diagnosis and plans/support for the future
A social inclusion coordinator can bring people and community assets together for one session, helping everyone to thrive
To provide one project worker to run carer’s groups that help carers with practical advice and support and to stay engaged with the community for 2 sessions
To donate £10, text SPACE to 70191
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